Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Baby Brown - Week 24

How far along: 24 weeks!

Due date: March 27, 2016

Baby Size: eggplant - never had that before!

Weight gain: probably around 13-15 pounds up so far.

Maternity Clothes: thank goodness for maternity clothes.  I also had to get some new sports bras and have been wearing them a lot to work as well.  They are just so much more comfortable!

Stretch Marks: nope, but dry skin and winter is not helping my itchy skin! 

Sleep: is meh... not the best, but some nights I get lucky and sleep through the whole night.  Baby boy seems to be awake when I'm trying to go to sleep, so that's fun. Then when I lay on my side, I just feel like my belly is pulling down so hard.  I'm going to try and used a body pillow and see how that works.

Gender: BOY!!!

Name: yea, yea. I know I've been a bad blogger lately.  I promise to do a post on baby's name soon! 

Movement: I feel like we had a huge jump from week 22/23 to week 24.  Movements aren't just "flutters" or kicks anymore. They are full on flips, punches, elbow rolls, and belly jiggles from the outside.  The movements catch me off guard sometimes and make me feel like I'm on a rollercoaster. When he first started moving, I had to press hard on my stomach to feel it, now I don't have to touch it at all and can feel him in multiple places at once! It is seriously the coolest/strangest/amazing feeling I have ever experienced. 

Best moment this week: We had our 24 week doctors appointment on Friday last week.  Baby boy is still a boy and measuring in the 90th percentile! His arms and legs are two weeks ahead of my due date and the remaining measurements of the anatomy scan that the tech couldn't get last time look great! Healthy baby boy in there!

We also went to Richmond this past weekend and registered at Pottery Barn Kids and Target.  Registering is hard stuff.  I just registered for stuff and if it doesn't all match or look good when it comes together, I will return it and get the right stuff! 

Looking forward to: painting the nursery, showers, and CHRISTMAS!

Husband is: still super excited about having a boy.  In the ultrasound appointment, baby had his arms in a flex position and he was so proud that his boy is already big like daddy!

Food cravings: the norm - bagels, pop tarts, ice cream and added eggos into the list this week! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: pulled pork, Wise Onion Rings and red bull!

Labor Signs: nope! 

Missing Most: nothing that can't wait

Symptoms: does feeling like a whale count as a symptom??

Nursery: Trying to get the painting done this weekend and all the rest of the junk cleared out.  I think we came up with a plan for the dresser/changing table.  Growing up, I used the dresser below.  I think with a sand job, paint and some new handles, this baby would fit perfectly in his room! Thoughts?!

Belly Button in or out? flat and shallow

Wedding rings on or off? on, and haven't noticed any swelling.

Mood: I seriously love being pregnant.  I've had some mood swings though - stressed about baby's room, stressed about holiday shopping, registering.  But nothing a little ice cream can't fix!

Workouts: nothing... need to get back on this!

1 comment:

  1. "Baby boy is still a boy" LOL. I think that dresser will be so perfect, it is a gorgeous piece!


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