Cayte and D.J. 9/28/13
The bridesmaids had their hair done by someone that came to the house and she was fabulous! After everyone was ready, we drove over to Gina and Buzz's house to get dressed and take pictures! I haven't seen any of these yet, but i know they are going to turn out beautiful!
The ceremony was totally us. Even though it was in a church, me and D.J. still managed to make it personal. For example- D.J. forgot to repeat after the priest when he put the ring on my finger! Then, I asked the priest "are we supposed to kiss or something?!" Everyone got a kick out of that!
After the ceremony and pictures were done, D.J. and I drove away in my uncle's 1999 white corvette! Pictures outside the reception site are going to be awesome! It was a littttleee windy, but I think they are going to turn out great!
The reception was AWESOME! Food was good, the DJ was a great party host and the people were having fun! Here are some pictures!

I will be sure to post more picture when we get the professional ones back!
As for now, we are happily in our new home with Stryker and just trying to get settled in before we head to St. Lucia!!
The Browns!