
Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up: Gardening

This weekend was my first full-on experience with gardening and I wanted to share a few things I learned.
  1. Gardening is no joke.  I woke up so sore the next day.
  2. Cleaning out your flower beds that have not been tended to in forever will take you longer than an hour.  I was outside working for about 3 1/2 hours before I got exhausted and called it a day.
  3. It has to be done.  Once you start, you have to keep going.  Right now only about half of my garden bed is weed-free and ready to have flowers planted.  Next weekend I plan to finish and plant some flowers.  
For now, take a look at the before and after pictures though! I think I did a pretty good job for a first time gardener! Lets hope I can keep these flowers alive! 

Any gardening advice/tips/suggestions on what to plant you all would like to leave me would be greatly appreciated! 

In other news, be on the lookout tomorrow for my proud doggy mommy moment of the weekend!!


  1. Very cute! I can't wait to have our own place to be able to do this :)

  2. Its so much work, we were outside a good 2 1/2 - 3 hours working on our flower bed retaining wall, we're using blocks similar to yours! looking good!!

  3. We have been working on our garden every weekend and it is a tough long project. We planted a few of our winter/spring veggies and that took a lot out of all the watering we have to do. And we still have a ton more to go. I feel your pain.

  4. It's looking great! I spent some time outside this weekend doing yard work too...and it took me a lot longer than I had planned. And I was sore the next day too! Good luck getting it finished! Can't wait to see the final result :)

  5. Looking good, Cayte! I so wish we could garden, but we're in a condo and aren't allowed. Instead, my husband put up little window boxes on our porch with flowers and my own little herb garden :)


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