Friday, December 5, 2014

#baseballwifelife Off Season is Never Off Season

#baseballwifelife @ Blog With The Browns

Right when I get in a routine of having D.J. home, something else changes.  I feel like I have said that same sentence time and time again. When it's the off season, my "light switch" of living alone goes off.  I let D.J. lock the doors at night, I let him do most of the cooking, I let him take out the trash, etc..etc..etc.  You get the point.Any of my other baseball ladies feel like this?! 
This week the hubs had to go out to AZ for a follow up on this program he has been asked to be a part of.  It's a pilot program that we are very fortunate that he is a part of, but he has to do check points throughout the off season that pop up out of nowhere.  He left on Tuesday morning and came back last night and during the time he was gone, my light switch was still off.  I'm talking like clothes in the laundry still, dishes in the sink, OJ sitting on the table from the morning before.  Does that make me a bad wife?? I've just been crazy busy and when he's gone I get home later because I am doing a million things after work.  
Anyways..the point of this blog post is that I am so thankful that D.J. gets to be home with me during the off season.  He does so much for me that I don't even realize until he is not there to do it.  Simple things like making the bed, taking out the trash, blowing out the candles to bigger things like picking up the dog poop :).  I am so thankful for such an awesome hubby that I get to do life with.  
PS- I promise I'm not as lazy as I sound...but when the in season switch is off, I sometimes forget I have to do things by myself :).

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. Gary has so many events not during the season.


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